NoSQL operator: envtotable

Convert environment variables into a NoSQL table.

Usage: envtotable [options]


    --match (-m) 'pattern'
      Process only those variables that match 'pattern'. If both '-d'
      and '-b' are specified, they can affect each other, in that '-d'
      is done before '-b'.

    --ignore (-I) 'pattern'
      This is the opposit of '-m', and if specified it overrides the

    --help (-h)
      Display this help text.

    --delete (-d) 'pattern'
      Delete anything that matches 'pattern' in variable values. If both
      '-d' and '-b' are specified, they can affect each other, in that
      '-d' is done before '-b'.

    --blank (-b) 'pattern'
      Anything that matches 'pattern' in variable values is replaced
      with one single blank. If both '-d' and '-b' are specified, they
      can affect each other, in that '-d' is done before '-b'.

    --strip-names (-s) 'pattern'
      Strip anything that matches 'pattern' from variable names.

    --output (-o) 'file'
      Write output to 'file' instead of STDOUT.

    --no-header (-N)
      Strip the table header from output.

    --prefix (-p) 'string'
      Prefix each output column name with 'string'.


In the option explanations above, the term 'pattern' refers
to a valid AWK regular expression, without surrounding slashes.

Environment variable names that do not match the AWK regular
expression /^[A-Za-z0-9_]+$/ are silently skipped.